Ormond Beach, FL – No matter what happens next November, there’s going to be a big shake-up on the Ormond Beach City Commission.
At least 3 of the 5 positions will see new faces thanks in part to the decision of 2 incumbents not to run for office in 2016.
Ormond Beach Mayor Ed Kelley’s push for the spot on the Volusia County Council currently held by Doug Daniels led in part to current Zone 4 Commissioner Bill Partington declaring a run for Kelley’s seat in July.
Zone 1 Commissioner James Stowers announced at the last OBCC meeting that he’s not going to run for re-election in 2016, thus freeing up his spot.
In an interview on Tuesday’s Marc Bernier Show on WNDB, longtime Ormond Beach commercial realtor Dwight Selby said he’s running for Stowers’ seat.
“I am excited to bring fresh ideas and new leadership to the City of Ormond Beach,” said Selby. “Ormond Beach is a great city and I believe there are things we can do to seize upon new opportunities and make it even better.”
During the interview, Selby – a man whose community involvement over the last 30 years has been primarily through business-related groups – said he wants to see more government efficiently and plans to use his business experience to be a “servant leader”.
“Government – like the private sector – needs to continually look for ways to be more efficient [by] delivering more service to the citizens at a lower cost,” Selby noted.
As of now, Selby is the only declared candidate for Stowers’ seat, according to city records.
Harold Briley – a local realtor and former Ormond Beach MainStreet president – is the only declared candidate for the seat being vacated by Partington.
Partington is currently the only declared candidate for mayor.
Dwight Selby
Copyright 2015 Southern Stone Communications.