Ormond Beach, FL-You may have seen her with others walking every morning over the Granada Bridge in Ormond Beach and Ormond Strong founder Debbie Kruck is ready to mark a milestone. Saturday night, the military family support group marks its 210th consecutive day of walking the bridge. Kruck says the group would have marked 200, but that fell during Biketoberfest.
The group will do a four-bridge, consecutive, two-county bridge walk on October 24 at 6pm. Groups led by Vietnam veterans will walk the Dunlawton Bridge in Port Orange, the Seabreeze Bridge in Daytona Beach, the Granada Bridge in Ormond Beach and the Flagler Beach Bridge in Flagler County.
Kruck says she began walking in solidarity with other local military families with a deployed loved one after her husband was deployed in the US Army for a second time to Afghanistan. She walks with a rucksack weighing 60 pounds and says that’s 30 pounds less than soldiers carry.
Kruck says local Vietnam Veterans will lead the walks in all four locations and calls it, “The welcome home parade they never got”.
The public is welcome to attend and walk. The Ormond Strong website is here.
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